Category: Workplace Norms, Expectations and Responsibilities

Slow Productivity – Cal Newport

Slow Productivity – Cal Newport

In his book Slow Productivity, Cal Newport makes a convincing argument that we need to slow down, rather than speed up if we are to become more usefully productive.  He does a deep-dive into how we got to the place of what he refers to as ‘pseudo-productivity – The use of visible activity as the…

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Busyness in the workplace and the stealing of leisure time

Busyness in the workplace and the stealing of leisure time

A century ago, social status was accompanied by ‘an abundance of leisure’. The wealthy and upwardly mobile demonstrated their wealth by how little they did, and how much others did for them. We’ve now flipped those expectations completely so that social status now comes from a narrative around ‘busyness without leisure’. To the point, that…

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Productivity signalling while remote working

Productivity signalling while remote working

Research prior to Lockdown 1 around remote working, suggested that there was a productivity bias related to those not physically present in the office. The results of many studies showed that those who were either actively or passively present within the geographical office were more likely to be promoted, have higher salaries and were given…

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