

The experts featured in this section have specialised in a particular field of CyberPsychology. 

To find out more about each expert, click on their name or their photo. 

If you are looking for an expert in an area not covered below, please Get In Touch and we will direct you to an expert who may be able to help. 

AI and Generative AI

Dr Paul Marsden

Human-AI Interaction, Consumer Behaviour and Positive Psychology

Rachel Wood

Generative AI and Mental Wellbeing.


Dr Sean Guillory

Cognition Domain and the O-O Convergence

Communication Online

Dr Chris Fullwood

Online communication and self-perception.

Prof Linda K Kaye

Online communication using emoji. Social inclusion and well-being online.

Dr Rowena Forsyth

Digital Health and Communities.

Cyber Security and Human Factors

Dr John Blythe

Human aspects of cyber security

Todd Fletcher

Cybersecurity professionals.

Digital Marketing & Consumer Behaviour

Jing Reilly

Digital, social, content and branding

Family Technology Use

Ruth Guest

Educating parents and children about online behaviour and digital technology use at

Forensics, Cyber Warfare & Criminal Behaviour

Dr Alison Attrill-Smith

Cybercrime - creating versions of self to achieve specific goals.

Erick Miyares

Psychological Impact of Technology in the Armed Forces Intelligence Units.

Dr Marshall S. Rich

Cyber criminal behaviour and the cognitive bias and decision-making vulnerabilities of cyber attackers.


Chelsea Gault

Online Gaming and Player Archetypes.

Emma van der Schyff

Social Connectedness and Social Capital through Video Games.

Health and Wellbeing

Dr Beth T. Bell

Mental health and education.

Catherine Knibbs

Online harms and psychotherapy in an online world. 

Dr Stéphane Bouchard

Virtual Reality and Video Based Psychotherapy

Identity, Disclosure and Relationships

Dr Nicola Fox Hamilton

Online dating, relationships and attraction.

Inclusion and Support

Dr Darren Chadwick

Cyberbullying and victimisation amongst those with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.

Dr Fiona Clements

Lived experience research with adults with developmental disabilities and their carers - specifically around CyberPsychology.

Dr Lisa J Orchard

Social media usage and the resulting impact – including the role of technology within infant feeding decisions.

Risk, Safety, Privacy and Data

Dr Maša Popovac

Online Safety and Cyber Aggression.

Workplace DigiTech Use

Carolyn Freeman

Adult digital technology use at work, home and play (including problematic behaviour).

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