Category: Futuristic Work

Current and future worker psychology is affected by how we use technology to do our work

Current and future worker psychology is affected by how we use technology to do our work

Anecdotally, it would seem that we have all, in one way or another, been impacted by the Lockdowns over the 2020/21 period. Professionally our psychology has shifted in how we are able to fulfil our work role.  Computer Self-Efficacy One of the many positive unintended consequences of Lockdowns, and remote work, is that we’ve become…

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Is it better to talk to a blank screen, a photo or a 3D avatar of the person when in a virtual meeting?

Is it better to talk to a blank screen, a photo or a 3D avatar of the person when in a virtual meeting?

A research question that may need answering soon. At this point, from a presenters/meeting controller perspective, I can only guess that it is better to have a 3D avatar engaging with you with some body-language feedback, than an array of black video screens with no visual or auditory feedback. Microsoft have just announced their introduction…

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