Category: Opinion Piece

Why I don’t use AI to create content

Why I don’t use AI to create content

At a recent Directors Round Table event, I was chatting with a few there about becoming more focused on content creation. The overwhelming recommendation was to use ChatGPT to pull together the initial information and then ‘edit it in your voice’.  Maybe I’m old. Maybe I’m a bit too much of a Luddite. Maybe I…

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Rhythms, routines and rituals

Rhythms, routines and rituals

We are creatures of habits and patterns. We celebrate life stages, mark significant events and have weekday and weekend schedules that we generally stick to.  We make similar meals and go on relatively similar holidays. We wake up, eat and go to bed at a similar time. We form habits and patterns to help us…

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Confessions of a CyberPsychologist: Why I ended my obsessive social media love affair.

Confessions of a CyberPsychologist: Why I ended my obsessive social media love affair.

6 months ago, I was semi-obsessed. I often checked my phone on the sly – making sure others didn’t notice. My WhatsApp was popping through notifications telling me to ‘quickly check the latest message’. I was flicking from one social media app to another, to make sure I’d caught all the potential messages that had…

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