Futuristic Leadership & Work

Futuristic Leadership & Work

Futuristic Leadership and Work

Leading Teams of the Future

The skillset needed for leading remote and hybrid teams differs dramatically from those required to lead in-office teams.  

Work performance within a team context will no longer be adequate in identifying those who will make great leaders of the future.
Additional training will need to be given to those already in leadership positions who may be using in-person team management skills with either remote or hybrid team members. 
Effective remote team leadership involves: 
  • Being clear and decisive about goals, direction and next steps for  the team or project,
  • Checking in more often with your remote-working team members – especially as they don’t get that ad-hoc engagement that is conducive of the online working environment,
  • Having regular informal work assessments with each team member – as they aren’t able to ‘read’ your body language, tone of voice while remote working,
  • Encouraging and planning  team-building activities more often than you would for on-site teams.

Ciaran Mc Mahon from the RCSI Institute of Leadership talks through Leadership, Cyberbullying, the Multiplier Effect, Online Identify Protection and Ubiquitous Computing using Smartphones as a Transitional Object – which we ought to see as our main Online Portal.

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Working With Remote Teams

In a webinar on Mastering Remote Working, Lane 4 covered areas that helped leaders working in a world with ‘less sight’ of their working team. A few insights have emerged.

  • Leaders have the ability to create vision, create support and create challenge,
  • Leaders need greater clarity and vision around what you’re trying to achieve as a team,
  • Their is an need to increase the level of support provided to each team member,
  • Leaders need to be able to healthily challenge their team members, ‘so that they can provide the best solutions that they possibly can’.

(The key bit around leading in a virtual world starts at 8:00 minutes in).

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