Category: AI’s Echo Chamber

Search and select – big tech nudges

Search and select – big tech nudges

In July 2019, Robert Epstein (PhD) testified before congress in relation to research he has been conducting since 2012 on Google – specifically on their power to suppress content, and manipulate thoughts and behaviour of those who use the search engine. This PDF is an updated and expanded version of his testimonial, where he lays…

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Merely being able to see the bias, doesn’t protect you from the bias

Merely being able to see the bias, doesn’t protect you from the bias

The title of this post is a direct quote taken from an interview with Dr. Robert Epstein, a Senior Research Psychologist on The Epoch Times TV channel. If you were ever wondering how much our opinions are being influenced by ‘Big Tech’, this is worth watching. Dr Epstein has spent the last decade conducting scientific…

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