Category: Digital Home

The Anxious Generation – Jonathan Haidt

The Anxious Generation – Jonathan Haidt

Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist. This is different from a CyberPsychologist, in that social psychology takes a broader view of issues (including digital technology) that may or may not affect a collective group of similar people within an environment or context. A CyberPsychologist will focus more on the individual level of how a person…

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Digital families

Digital families

The impact of childhood gadget use is a hot topic and often in the press. Anecdotally, I am hearing a lot of parents’ stories about the negative impact they feel digital technology is having on their children’s emotions, self-esteem and psychological well-being.  Simultaneously, parents are aware that their children not having a smartphone can be…

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Are phones and gadgets good or bad for you? Yes!

Are phones and gadgets good or bad for you? Yes!

Experts regularly debate, agree and disagree about how good or bad digital technology (DigiTech) is for us – whether we are young, old, working or playing. Until we are further down the line in this great social experiment called Digital Technology and Social Media, the expert opinion (including mine) comes down to the individual expert…

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Technology, education and pre-teen years

Technology, education and pre-teen years

I seem to be having a number of discussions with parents (particularly mothers) about the quantity and type of technology that is being used within schools for the purposes of education. Screentime and homework The biggest concern, especially for parents of children in younger age groups, has been children only being able to access homework…

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Digital Decluttering – removing unnecessary tech

Digital Decluttering – removing unnecessary tech

A lot of us tend to purchase and use digital technology without thinking about the consequences. Once we engage with tech, we get to experience the benefits that technology provides and start engaging with it more. Until it becomes hard to distinguish between the time and attention digital tech consumes and the benefits that technology…

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Lost Connections – Johann Hari

Lost Connections – Johann Hari

In this book, Johann Hari goes in search of the answers to help him understand more about the depression that surfaced in his teens and became a big part of his life. His passion for investigating and writing on various subjects seems to come from a deep desire to find specific answers to deeply personal…

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Because Internet – Gretchen McCullough

Because Internet – Gretchen McCullough

Because Internet is an exploration of how the language used on the Internet, and in particular on social media and text messaging, has changed how we communicate with others.  The book explores how language and communication have evolved, even exploring how it changed with the advent of the landline. It also analyses the differences in…

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