Category: Individual Differences and Impact

Why do half of women in tech drop out by age 35?

Why do half of women in tech drop out by age 35?

In a collaborative report involving Code First Girls and Tech Talent Charter (TCC – a government-supported group of over 775 leading UK businesses and organisations) aimed to gain insights into the UK’s diversity talent shortage – and provide recommendations to address the diversity crisis. It is revealed that half of the women in tech drop…

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Contact with work after hours is linked to family conflict, distress and sleep issues

Contact with work after hours is linked to family conflict, distress and sleep issues

‘Are communications about work outside regular working hours associated with work-to-family conflict, psychological distress and sleep problems?’ Extracts and summary of the research by: Scott Schieman and Marisa C. Young (2013) Key quotes from the research: ‘…work contact is associated with higher levels of work-to-family conflict, distress and sleep problems.’ ‘…simultaneous exposure to high pressure and contact…

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Are there generational differences in expectations of work technology use after hours?

Are there generational differences in expectations of work technology use after hours?

‘Technological Tethering, Digital Natives, and Challenges in the Work-Family Interface’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Andrew D. Nevin and Scott Schieman (2020) Key quotes from the research: ‘…mobile technologies have facilitated the extension of traditional working hours, reflective of workers being “technologically tethered” to their jobs while at home so that they are more…

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Technology use and personality type

Technology use and personality type

According to research, some personality types are more prone to certain technology use behaviours e.g. those who have a higher neurotic personality trait can become fixated a little more on checking and responding to emails and messages from work on a regular basis, even during private time. They may also tend to worry about the…

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How introversion and extroversion affects remote/hybrid workers

How introversion and extroversion affects remote/hybrid workers

We don’t often consider how personalities, can play into how we ‘do work’ and remote/hybrid working in particular. A lot of research has been done trying to find out how personality type is linked to engagement with technology and apps. Results are often vague or contradictory. However, there are some useful insights that we can…

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Lessons from Lockdown – Zoom Fatigue

Lessons from Lockdown – Zoom Fatigue

Zoom fatigue One of the terms that was bandied about a lot during Lockdown 1 was Zoom Fatigue. This was because many of us were experiencing higher levels of emotional and cognitive exhaustion after spending large portions of the day on Zoom calls.  In his research on this topic, Nick Bloom of Stanford University found…

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We need to minimise our phone use

We need to minimise our phone use

There are a number of articles around at the moment about Burnout. They all have good points and good advice to follow. However, there is one small thing I would like to point out. Research has shown that employees are not always aware that they are heading toward burnout. Although there are a number of…

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Have we established muscle memory around remote working and what impact does this have on us as individuals?

Have we established muscle memory around remote working and what impact does this have on us as individuals?

A number of us have been working remotely for the past 18 months. We often hear statements around how work has ‘shifted’. With that phrase comes the expectation that we’ve had plenty of time to adapt to this ‘new normal’ and should be working effectively and efficiently at this stage. Haven’t we all become used…

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Parental Burnout, an unintended consequence of a pandemic

Parental Burnout, an unintended consequence of a pandemic

‘Parental Burnout’ is “an exhaustion syndrome, characterised by feeling physically and mentally overwhelmed” (first identified by Isabelle Roskam and Moïra Mikolajczak in the early ’80s). Simultaneously working, managing a home and raising children involves complicated and frequent role-switching. Each of these roles requires different cognitive functioning and does not allow the brain enough time to deep-dive…

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Psychologically detaching from work after-hours is essential for physical and mental wellness

Psychologically detaching from work after-hours is essential for physical and mental wellness

Although many have been forced to work remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone has different expectations, requirements and abilities to merge the home and work domains into one geographic location.  How you manage your work-home balance depends on a number of factors. These include (but are not limited to): Your individual personality traits Your gender,…

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