Category: Productivity and Attention

Digital Push Back

Digital Push Back

Productivity is one of those words that is often bandied about in business as something that needs to be improve upon. But, what does it mean to be ‘productive’ as a knowledge worker? We may sense how productive we are being in a day, it is sometimes a KPI that forms part of our annual…

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The subconscious distraction of a mobile phone

The subconscious distraction of a mobile phone

‘The Mere Presence of a Cell Phone May be Distracting – Implications for Attention and Task Performance’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Bill Thornton, Alyson Faires, Maija Robbins, and Eric Rollins (2014) Key quotes from the research: ‘the use and misuse of mobile technology has negatively impacted productivity both in quantity and quality of…

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Lessons from Lockdown – Remote Working & Productivity

Lessons from Lockdown – Remote Working & Productivity

Remote working productivity There is a lot of debate around remote working productivity. Some suggest that working from home (WFH) reduces productivity levels. In contrast, quite a lot of research showcases that although everyone is very different regarding focus and efficiency, on average productivity is higher amongst remote and hybrid workers than amongst office workers. …

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