Category: CyberPsychology

Dr Chris Fullwood – Online Self-Presentation

Dr Chris Fullwood – Online Self-Presentation In this episode, Chris tells us about self-perception, how we present ourselves online, how others perceive us, and the unconscious bias we have towards others in video calls. We specifically talk about: 00:45 Chris’s journey into CyberPsychology including completing a PhD in Video Mediated Communication in the late-1990s. 08:19 How video calls affect our self-perception,…

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Dr Lisa J Orchard – Social Media Usage and Resulting Impact

Dr Lisa J Orchard – Social Media Usage and Resulting Impact

Senior Lecturer at University of Wolverhampton (UK) Dr Orchard is also:  External Examiner MSc Cyberpsychology at IADT (Ireland) BPS Hon. Secretary Cyberpsychology Section Co-Lead, Cyberpsychology Research at The University of Wolverhampton (CRUW) Research Cluster Click here to go to the CRUW Research Cluster website Main CyberPsychology Expertise: Social Media Usage and the Resulting Impact Other…

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Dr Darren Chadwick – Inclusion and Support Online

Dr Darren Chadwick – Inclusion and Support Online

Senior Lecturer In Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University Main CyberPsychology Expertise: Cyberbullying and victimisation amongst those with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Darren is also a Supervisor to PhD and Doctoral students such as Dr Fiona Clements. They have published articles alongside Dr Lisa Orchard on Cyberbullying and victimisation of those with mild to…

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Dr Fiona Clements

Dr Fiona Clements

Dr Fiona Clements works with adults with eating disorders in the UK National Health Service (NHS). In this episode, Fiona tells us about: 00:49 Her background and what she is doing now in the NHS. Starting a Doctorate in CyberPsychology looking at digital inclusion specifically in intellectual disabilities. 09:00 Fiona’s Doctorate journey, what got…

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Unlocked – Pete Etchells

Unlocked – Pete Etchells

Cyberpsychology / media-based psychological research is both under-funded and under-resourced. This is because, along with many other reasons, CyberPsychology and media/digital technology-based psychological research is such a new field, there are not enough academics conducting research across each area of digital and human interaction, research results can be contradictory (for a number of reasons), not…

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Episode 3: Dr Nicola Fox Hamilton

Episode 3: Dr Nicola Fox Hamilton

Dr Nicola Fox Hamilton specialises in online dating and relationships, and attraction. Find out more about her on her website. In this episode, Nicola tells us about: Who she is and what got her started on the journey into Cyberpsychology. Her Masters, PhD and research into online dating and how we present ourselves online…

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Technopoly – Neil Postman

Technopoly – Neil Postman

In this book, Neil Postman  suggests that we are surrendering our culture to technology.  If you have an interest in studying CyberPsychology or any media studies, this book should be a foundational text. Although the book is published in 1993. This is before the mobile phone became ubiquitous and computers were desktop-based – connected to…

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The Psychology of Online Behaviour – Nicola Fox Hamilton

The Psychology of Online Behaviour – Nicola Fox Hamilton

This book can only be listened to in Audible. You can find a link to the book on Nicola’s home webpage.  If you are considering studying CyberPsychology, this book is an easy-to-listen-to introduction to the subject. The book covers the following Cyber topics: The Science Behind the Big Debates Is Online Communication Different?  Who Are…

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Carolyn Freeman – Adult Problematic Digital Technology Use

Carolyn Freeman – Adult Problematic Digital Technology Use

Problematic technology use amongst adults Connect: Email her directly at: Follow: Linkedin Twitter Instagram Main CyberPsychology Expertise: Problematic Adult Behaviour  Online Addiction (incl. Social Media Use) Internet Gaming  Work-Home Boundary Blurring Underlying Causes and Drivers Adult ADHD/ADD Stress and anxiety Life Coping Mechanisms Research Articles Read Carolyn’s articles Return to the Experts Page Other…

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Dr Maša Popovac – Cyberaggression, Cyberbullying and Online Risks

Dr Maša Popovac – Cyberaggression, Cyberbullying and Online Risks

Lecturer in Psychology @ University of Buckingham, United Kingdom Connect: Email her directly at: Follow: Professional Profile @ Buckingham University Linkedin Twitter Researchgate Main CyberPsychology Expertise: How to reduce cyberaggression, cyberbullying and online risks and build digital literacy and resilience. Consultant Expertise: Cyberbullying in the workplace Other Specialisations: Online safety training and interventions Use…

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