Category: Research

How We ‘Do Work’ Evolves with Digital Innovations

How We ‘Do Work’ Evolves with Digital Innovations

‘Three Generations of Telework: New ICTs and the (R)evolution from Home Office to Virtual Office’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Jon. C Messenger and Lutz Gschwind (2016) Summary of the research:  Remote working has evolved through three main stages since the 1970’s. Stage 1: Home Office (1970’s to early 1990’s) This first stage involved performing…

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Technology both helps and hinders autonomy

Technology both helps and hinders autonomy

‘The Autonomy Paradox: The Implications of Mobile Email Devides for Knowledge Professionals’ Extracts and summary of the research by: Melissa Mazmanian, Wanda J. Orlikowski and JoAnne Yates (October 2013) A note: The original qualitative research for this paper was conducted during 2004 and 2005. It is therefore reminiscent of knowledge workers use of mobile email…

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Making Time Off Predictable – And Required

Making Time Off Predictable – And Required

Extracts and summary of the research: ‘Making Time off Predictable and Required’. Research Authors: Leslie A. Perlow and Jessica L. Porter (October 2009) Key quotes:  “Responsiveness breeds the need for more responsiveness” “When people are always “on,” responsiveness becomes ingrained in the way they work, expected by clients and partners, and even institutionalized in performance…

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