Category: Research

Why do half of women in tech drop out by age 35?

Why do half of women in tech drop out by age 35?

In a collaborative report involving Code First Girls and Tech Talent Charter (TCC – a government-supported group of over 775 leading UK businesses and organisations) aimed to gain insights into the UK’s diversity talent shortage – and provide recommendations to address the diversity crisis. It is revealed that half of the women in tech drop…

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Can technology use affect our creative and lateral thinking abilities?

Can technology use affect our creative and lateral thinking abilities?

There is a common misconception, based on research done on split-brain patients in the 1960s, that creativity and analytical thinking activities are either right- or left-hemisphere brain functioning. We often talk about people being either creative or analytical, implying a dominance of either the right or left side of their brain. This thinking has been…

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The advantage of creating bespoke boundary-blurring strategies

The advantage of creating bespoke boundary-blurring strategies

‘From Work to Life and Back Again: Examining the Digitally-Mediated Work/Life Practices of a Group of Knowledge Workers’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Luigina Ciolfi & Eleanor Lockley (2018) Key quotes from the research: ‘[those in] knowledge-intensive roles devise strategies for handling work and non-work in light of a set of interconnected forces’ …

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Differing forms of work-family boundary management

Differing forms of work-family boundary management

‘Technology, Work, and Family: Digital Cultural Capital and Boundary Management’. Extracts and a summary of research by: Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, Jerry A. Jacobs, and Nancy P. Rothbard (2019) – (based in Canada and the USA) who set out to develop a framework for how technology, work and family intersect, especially regarding how tech is changing the boundaries…

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What role does job control play in adherence to Cyber Security?

What role does job control play in adherence to Cyber Security?

‘Exploring the Role of Work Identity and Work Locus of Control in Information Security Awareness’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Dr Lee Hadlington, Dr Masa Popovac, Prof. Helge Janicke, Dr Iryna Yevseyeva, Dr Kevin Jones (2019) In her summary of the work, Dr Popovac describes the research as exploring ‘the adherence to organisational information…

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Contact with work after hours is linked to family conflict, distress and sleep issues

Contact with work after hours is linked to family conflict, distress and sleep issues

‘Are communications about work outside regular working hours associated with work-to-family conflict, psychological distress and sleep problems?’ Extracts and summary of the research by: Scott Schieman and Marisa C. Young (2013) Key quotes from the research: ‘…work contact is associated with higher levels of work-to-family conflict, distress and sleep problems.’ ‘…simultaneous exposure to high pressure and contact…

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Are there generational differences in expectations of work technology use after hours?

Are there generational differences in expectations of work technology use after hours?

‘Technological Tethering, Digital Natives, and Challenges in the Work-Family Interface’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Andrew D. Nevin and Scott Schieman (2020) Key quotes from the research: ‘…mobile technologies have facilitated the extension of traditional working hours, reflective of workers being “technologically tethered” to their jobs while at home so that they are more…

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The paradox of perceived productivity in working parents

The paradox of perceived productivity in working parents

‘The Paradox of Family Structure and Plans after Work: Why Single Childless Employees May Be the Least Absorbed at Work’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Tracy L Dumas and Jill E. Perry-Smith (2018) Key quotes from the research: ‘single, childless workers reported lower absorption that workers with other family structures’ ‘anticipating domestic responsibilities after…

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The subconscious distraction of a mobile phone

The subconscious distraction of a mobile phone

‘The Mere Presence of a Cell Phone May be Distracting – Implications for Attention and Task Performance’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Bill Thornton, Alyson Faires, Maija Robbins, and Eric Rollins (2014) Key quotes from the research: ‘the use and misuse of mobile technology has negatively impacted productivity both in quantity and quality of…

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Constant phone checking brings life to work and work to life

Constant phone checking brings life to work and work to life

‘When You Just Cannot Get Away – Exploring the use of information and communication technologies in facilitating negative work/home spillover’. Extracts and a summary of research by: Ronald W. Berkowsky (2013) Key quotes from the research: ‘Boundaries [between work and home], while sometimes motivated by the needs and beliefs of the individual, are often socially constructed…

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