Category: Attention

The link between ADHD and Online Addictions

The link between ADHD and Online Addictions

Does spending lots of time online cause ADHD? Directly. It seems not. Spending time on digital devices does reduce your ability to focus and concentrate and excessive use can cause symptoms similar to those displayed with ADHD, but using a device will not ‘give you’ ADHD.   Indirectly. It seems to.  According to Gabor Mate,…

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Stolen Focus – Johann Hari

Stolen Focus – Johann Hari

Johann Hari’s book is a summary of three years of research and interviewing specialists in a number of academic areas. The mission of his book is to investigate how technology is changing our ability to focus and pay attention. Over the course of three years Johann Hari interviews a number of ‘experts’ in various disciplines,…

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The Capturing of our Attention

The Capturing of our Attention

An article by Johann Hari in The Guardian is a review of the research he has done while interviewing a number of experts in the field of attention. Within the article he states that ‘there is strong evidence that stress and exhaustion ruin your attention’ and ‘about 35% of workers feel they can never switch…

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Making Time Off Predictable – And Required

Making Time Off Predictable – And Required

Extracts and summary of the research: ‘Making Time off Predictable and Required’. Research Authors: Leslie A. Perlow and Jessica L. Porter (October 2009) Key quotes:  “Responsiveness breeds the need for more responsiveness” “When people are always “on,” responsiveness becomes ingrained in the way they work, expected by clients and partners, and even institutionalized in performance…

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Deep Work – Cal Newport

Deep Work – Cal Newport

Cal Newport’s main hypothesis in this book is that ‘the ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive.’ In this…

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