NWLC – Blurring home work boundaries and the burnout epidemic

NWLC – Blurring home work boundaries and the burnout epidemic

3 October 2023 (In Person – Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool) 

Blurring Work-Home Boundaries and the Burnout Epidemic – the up and down sides of a digital hybrid workplace

There are many work-based causes of stress, anxiety and burnout. Only some of these we can personally control. Managing the digital boundaries between our work and home life is one of them. 

Carolyn’s talk will provide you with research-based insights on how and why we blur these boundaries, intermingled with practical hints and tips on how to build stronger personal boundaries that reduce stress and anxiety while increasing productivity at work and presence at home. 

The talk includes:

  • What the burnout epidemic is
  • How Digital Technology has enabled this workplace stress
  • What the DigiTech-related norms, expectations and behaviours are that directly affect workplace stress
  • What personal strategies can be put in place to help mitigate the stress, anxiety and potential burnout.

“Many thanks indeed for speaking on Tuesday and opening up the day for us in such a positive and informative way.

The informal feedback I have had was that you were well received and that your content was pitched just right – teaching them new things and relating well to their current dilemmas with technology both at work and in their private lives.

I think too that luckily the three main speakers all had topics that aligned nicely – thank you!”

Beryl James

Event Organiser

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