Category: Work-Home Boundary Blurring

When hybrid working blurs the boundaries between work and life realms

When hybrid working blurs the boundaries between work and life realms

It is well understood that we exhibit different personas for different life roles. Each role we occupy requires differing personalities to manage, different expectations, different demands and different puzzles to solve. The traditional transition time between home and work (and back again) gave us the time and mental space to subconsciously shift ourselves between these…

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The advantage of creating bespoke boundary-blurring strategies

The advantage of creating bespoke boundary-blurring strategies

‘From Work to Life and Back Again: Examining the Digitally-Mediated Work/Life Practices of a Group of Knowledge Workers’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Luigina Ciolfi & Eleanor Lockley (2018) Key quotes from the research: ‘[those in] knowledge-intensive roles devise strategies for handling work and non-work in light of a set of interconnected forces’ …

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Differing forms of work-family boundary management

Differing forms of work-family boundary management

‘Technology, Work, and Family: Digital Cultural Capital and Boundary Management’. Extracts and a summary of research by: Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, Jerry A. Jacobs, and Nancy P. Rothbard (2019) – (based in Canada and the USA) who set out to develop a framework for how technology, work and family intersect, especially regarding how tech is changing the boundaries…

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The ever-increasing blurring of the boundary between work and home

The ever-increasing blurring of the boundary between work and home

Prior to the introduction of the Blackberry at the turn of the century, generally for many, when we left the office, our work for the day was done. We spent limited time thinking about work and focussed on doing things we found enjoyable. The Blackberry dramatically changed that.  Initially, having a mobile email device massively improved…

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Constant phone checking brings life to work and work to life

Constant phone checking brings life to work and work to life

‘When You Just Cannot Get Away – Exploring the use of information and communication technologies in facilitating negative work/home spillover’. Extracts and a summary of research by: Ronald W. Berkowsky (2013) Key quotes from the research: ‘Boundaries [between work and home], while sometimes motivated by the needs and beliefs of the individual, are often socially constructed…

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Lessons from Lockdown – Boundaries

Lessons from Lockdown – Boundaries

Boundaries between work and home Work and home boundaries were abandoned during the first lockdown with both life realms being geographically merged for the first time for most. Since then, we’ve adjusted our boundaries and had time to figure out what does or doesn’t work for us. We’ve also had time to shift our perspectives…

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