Category: Digital Work

The subconscious distraction of a mobile phone

The subconscious distraction of a mobile phone

‘The Mere Presence of a Cell Phone May be Distracting – Implications for Attention and Task Performance’. Extracts and summary of the research by: Bill Thornton, Alyson Faires, Maija Robbins, and Eric Rollins (2014) Key quotes from the research: ‘the use and misuse of mobile technology has negatively impacted productivity both in quantity and quality of…

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Constant phone checking brings life to work and work to life

Constant phone checking brings life to work and work to life

‘When You Just Cannot Get Away – Exploring the use of information and communication technologies in facilitating negative work/home spillover’. Extracts and a summary of research by: Ronald W. Berkowsky (2013) Key quotes from the research: ‘Boundaries [between work and home], while sometimes motivated by the needs and beliefs of the individual, are often socially constructed…

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Technology use and personality type

Technology use and personality type

According to research, some personality types are more prone to certain technology use behaviours e.g. those who have a higher neurotic personality trait can become fixated a little more on checking and responding to emails and messages from work on a regular basis, even during private time. They may also tend to worry about the…

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How introversion and extroversion affects remote/hybrid workers

How introversion and extroversion affects remote/hybrid workers

We don’t often consider how personalities, can play into how we ‘do work’ and remote/hybrid working in particular. A lot of research has been done trying to find out how personality type is linked to engagement with technology and apps. Results are often vague or contradictory. However, there are some useful insights that we can…

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Lessons from Lockdown – Boundaries

Lessons from Lockdown – Boundaries

Boundaries between work and home Work and home boundaries were abandoned during the first lockdown with both life realms being geographically merged for the first time for most. Since then, we’ve adjusted our boundaries and had time to figure out what does or doesn’t work for us. We’ve also had time to shift our perspectives…

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Lessons from Lockdown – The Second Pivot

Lessons from Lockdown – The Second Pivot

The Post-2021 Remote Work Pivot Point Trickling in during the summer of 2021, the second pivot point started gaining traction.  The statistics around the number of those who want to return to the office full-time and those wanting a more hybrid way of working differs across studies. But generally:  56% of knowledge workers prefer to…

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Lessons from Lockdown – The First Big Pivot

Lessons from Lockdown – The First Big Pivot

The 2020 Remote Work Pivot Point There are a few considerations regarding how we manage the way digital work could affect us psychologically going forward.  The first is that prior to March 2020 digital technology was shifting the workplace and how we conducted work, at a slow but constant pace. But, up to mid-March 2020,…

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Lessons from Lockdown – Remote Working & Productivity

Lessons from Lockdown – Remote Working & Productivity

Remote working productivity There is a lot of debate around remote working productivity. Some suggest that working from home (WFH) reduces productivity levels. In contrast, quite a lot of research showcases that although everyone is very different regarding focus and efficiency, on average productivity is higher amongst remote and hybrid workers than amongst office workers. …

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Hybrid work may discriminate against those constantly given lower-value and non-promotable work

Hybrid work may discriminate against those constantly given lower-value and non-promotable work

Do you seem to take on more of the ‘office housework’ than others in your team? An interesting article in the Guardian highlighting a few points from the book ‘The No Club’, showcases how women tend to take on more admin type work within a team. They find it hard to say ‘no’ because they…

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Lessons from Lockdown – Zoom Fatigue

Lessons from Lockdown – Zoom Fatigue

Zoom fatigue One of the terms that was bandied about a lot during Lockdown 1 was Zoom Fatigue. This was because many of us were experiencing higher levels of emotional and cognitive exhaustion after spending large portions of the day on Zoom calls.  In his research on this topic, Nick Bloom of Stanford University found…

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