Dr Lisa J Orchard – Social Media Usage and Resulting Impact

Dr Lisa J Orchard – Social Media Usage and Resulting Impact

Senior Lecturer

at University of Wolverhampton (UK)

Dr Orchard is also: 

  • External Examiner MSc Cyberpsychology at IADT (Ireland)
  • BPS Hon. Secretary Cyberpsychology Section
  • Co-Lead, Cyberpsychology Research at The University of Wolverhampton (CRUW) Research Cluster
Main CyberPsychology Expertise:

Social Media Usage and the Resulting Impact

Other Specialisations
  • The role of technology within infant feeding decisions.
  • Personality and online behaviour.

Email her directly at:  l.j.orchard@wlv.ac.uk.

Lisa is also a Supervisor to PhD and Doctoral students such as Dr Fiona Clements.
They published articles alongside Dr Darren Chadwick on Cyberbullying and victimisation of those with mild to moderate disabilities.
Courses available at Wolverhampton
Videos and Podcasts
Helping Psychologists Explain Human Thought and Behaviour (2022)

In this webinar, Lisa joins Dr Linda Kaye and Dr Dave Harley in a discussion on gaming, social media, virtual reality, online learning and online groups – especially the around the motivations, experiences, and effects surrounding the interactions between humanity and technology. 

Social Media in Covid-19 (26 March 2022)

The interview covers:

  • A discussion around social media use through Covid-19, and potential benefits and areas of risk.
Breastfeeding and the role of Social Media (2021)

This video is an infographic summary of research findings, focussed specifically on how we can best use social media to facilitate breastfeeding support and information.

Research Articles
Workplace Technology Research
24 March 2020

Active Social Media in Covid-19

This paper includes suggestions for positive social media use within Covid-19 Lockdowns.

Other Technology Research

A systematic review exploring the impact of social media on breastfeeding practices

A systematic review of literature exploring the role of social media within breastfeeding practices.

Other CyberPsychology Research

Clements, F. A., Orchard, L. J., & Chadwick, D. D. (2024). A scoping review investigating the perspectives of people with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities on experiences of cyberbullying victimisation and its subtypes. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. https://doi.org/10.1177/17446295241252214 (Impact Factor: 1.5; Estimated Contribution: 25%)

Clements, F. A., Chadwick, D. D., & Orchard, L. J. (2023). ‘I’m not the same person now’: The psychological implications of online contact risk experiences for adults with intellectual disabilities. New Media & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448231217994 (Impact Factor: 5.0; Estimated Contribution: 25%)

Jovanović, T., Bodroža, B., Orchard, L., Fullwood, C., Kermani, H., Casale, S., … & Hren, D. (2023). Cross-cultural validity of the psycho-social aspects of Facebook Use (PSAFU) scale. Psihologija, 56(1), 31-62. (Impact Factor: 1.26; Estimated Contribution: 20%)

Kaye, L. K., Rousaki, A., Joyner, L. C., Barrett, L. A., & Orchard, L. J. (2022). The Online Behaviour Taxonomy: A conceptual framework to understand behaviour in computer-mediated communication. Computers in Human Behavior, 107443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2022.107443 (Impact Factor: 8.957; Estimated Contribution: 20%)

Orchard, L. J., & Nicholls, W. (2022). A systematic review exploring the impact of social media on breastfeeding practices. Current Psychology, 41, 6107–6123. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-01064-w (Impact Factor: 2.387; Estimated Contribution: 80%)

Orchard, L. (2021, July). The virtual public servant: Artificial intelligence and frontline work by Dr Stephen Jeffares. British Psychological Society Cyberpsychology Bulletin, 5. (Impact Factor: N/A)

Clements, F. A., Chadwick, D. D. & Orchard, L. J. (2020). Lockdown can be especially difficult for those with learning disabilities. Journal of Health and Social Care Improvement, 3(2), 21–24. (Impact Factor: N/A; Estimated Contribution: 10%)

Orchard, L. J., Fullwood, C., Morris, N., & Galbraith, N. (2015). Investigating the Facebook experience through Q Methodology: Collective investment and a ‘Borg’ mentality. New Media & Society, 17(9), 1547-1565. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444814530099 (Impact Factor: 5.31; Estimated Contribution: 90%)

Orchard, L. J., Fullwood, C., Galbraith, N., & Morris, N. (2014). Individual Differences as Predictors of Social Networking. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19(3), 388-402. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcc4.12068 (Impact Factor: 7.432; Estimated Contribution: 90%)

Fullwood, C., Orchard, L. J., & Floyd, S. (2013). Emoticon convergence in Internet chat rooms. Social Semiotics, 23(5), 648-662. https://doi.org/10.1080/10350330.2012.739000 (Impact Factor: 1.568; Estimated Contribution: 30%)

Orchard, L. J., & Fullwood, C. (2010). Current perspectives on personality and Internet use. Social Science Computer Review28(2), 155-169. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439309335115 (Impact Factor: 4.418; Estimated Contribution: 70%)

Vowles, A., Orchard, L. & Hever, T. (2007). A postnatal community social support group in Tipton, West Midlands. Clinical Psychology Forum172, 9-12. (Impact Factor: 0.15; Estimated Contribution: 40%)

Orchard, L. (2006). The effective use of consultations: A literature review. Psych-Talk54, 15-17. (IF: N/A)


Orchard, L. J., Nicholls, W., & Markova, A. (under review). Experiences of brelfie-taking and social media sharing by UK breastfeeding mothers. 

Orchard, L. J., Nicholls, W., Hinton, D. & Elliot, M. (in prep.). Measuring general public attitudes towards breastfeeding: A scale validation. 

Fullwood, C., Chadwick, D., Wesson, C., Chen-Wilson, J. & Orchard, L. J. (in prep). Sexual identity, self-concept clarity, and the online self.


Orchard, L. J. (2019). Uses and Gratifications of social media: Who uses it and why? In A. Attrill-Smith, C. Fullwood, M. Keep, D. Kuss (Eds.),The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology (pp. 3320-348). Oxford Academic.


Orchard, L. J. (2023). When did you last see someone breastfeeding? University of Wolverhampton.https://www.wlv.ac.uk/news-and-events/wlv-blog/2023/july-2023/blog-when-did-you-last-see-someone-breastfeeding.php

Orchard, L. J. (2021). Cyberpsychology: What is it? Why I love it and why you would love it too! University of Wolverhampton. https://www.wlv.ac.uk/news-and-events/wlv-blog/2021/december-2021/cyberpsychology-what-is-it-why-i-love-it-and-why-you-would-love-it-too.php

British Psychological Society (2020). BPS cyberpsychologists say being active on social media will help you cope with isolation. [Press release picked up by many International news outlets]  

El Pais (2019). The end of an era: what will happen when the ‘likes’ disappear. [Quoted interview]. https://elpais-com.translate.goog/tecnologia/2019/10/03/actualidad/1570055577_861141.html?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

Orchard, L. J. (2019). The Impact of Social Media on Breastfeeding. The Breastfeeding Network. https://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/lisajorchard/

Orchard, L. J. (2019). E-boobs: The Impact of Social Media on Breastfeeding. University of Wolverhampton.https://www.wlv.ac.uk/staff/news/june-2019/e-boobs-the-impact-of-social-media-on-breastfeeding.php

Orchard, L. J. & Attrill-Smith, A. (2019). The Momo Challenge – What have we learned? University of Wolverhampton.https://www.wlv.ac.uk/news-and-events/latest-news/2019/march-2019/the-momo-challenge-what-have-we-learned-.php

Orchard, L. J. (2018). Why did you use social media today? University of Wolverhampton.https://www.wlv.ac.uk/news-and-events/wlv-blog/2018/blog-why-did-you-use-social-media-today/blog-why-did-you-use-social-media-today.php

Orchard, L. J. (2017). Too many non-friends in your Facebook ‘friends’? University of Wolverhampton.https://www.wlv.ac.uk/news-and-events/wlv-blog/2017/too-many-non-friends-in-your-facebook-friends/too-many-non-friends-in-your-facebook-friends-.php

Books or Chapters Published
Book: The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology

(Chapter) Uses and Gratifications of Social Media: Who Uses It and Why?

The chapter on Social Media is a theoretical look at why people may be drawn to social media and how our individual differences may drive this usage.

Chapter Abstract taken directly from Oxford Handbooks Online Page:

Social media is built upon user-generated content and interactivity between users. Understanding the users within social media is therefore imperative to understanding how social media itself functions. This chapter explores the users of social media in more detail and asks the two key questions of who uses social media, and why they do so. When looking towards past research for inspiration as a way to understand user interest towards media, the Uses and Gratifications model stands out as a key approach for exploring media uptake. Therefore, the chapter starts by focusing on the Uses and Gratifications framework and how it can be used to explain why individuals are drawn to social media. The framework is then expanded to discuss how individuals’ personal needs, in particular personality, can impact upon such motivations.

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